Tree Mapping Activity
Things I learned and found interesting...
To start the morning off, we did an activity where we mapped the location of all of the trees.  I thought this activity was very interesting. Not only because we could use the GPS (which was so cool), but because we were able to input other information that we tracked.  With the extra information (height, circumference, type, etc.), we were able to put it in Excel and then move it into the ArcGIS website.  I really liked learning how to input all of this information into the programs so we could create different layers on the same map.  Another thing I learned how to do today is how to link my pictures from dropbox onto my map on ArcGIS.  I think this is pretty interesting because I had never used ArcGIS or BaseCamp before yesterday, and now I feel like I am really starting to understand it. 

Questions that I still have...
How can I adapt the water project to a 6th grade curriculum?

USU-Stream Mapping-Water Sheds

Water Cycle projects for 4th grade
Recreation Water
Biological Monitoring
Microorganisms- looking for bugs in the water from different locations
Chemical Monitoring (what is in the water that you can't see)

Types of polution:
Point Source (comes from a pipe) Easy to control and keep track where the pollution comes from.
Nonpoint Source (comes from run off from roads, etc.) Not easy to control

Bugs of the Underworld-  Really cool bug video about mayflies